Tuesday, April 20, 2010

will pope confidential: Aloha, Mahalo, from Maui

will pope confidential: Aloha, Mahalo, from Maui

Aloha, Mahalo, from Maui

I notice all of these Hawaiian words (Aloha, Mahalo) sound like our 'Hello'...maybe that is the translation. The weather is so perfect, gentle winds through these tall pines and coconut and banana trees...and the sun phases in and out long enough to give you a break from the directness of it at the shore...everyone is 'tranquilo' as they say in Costa Rica, and there are no big deals.

You shop, you hike, you beach, you coffee, you beer..whatever..but my point is that we're all drifting through the day in sync with the gusts of wind, and they blow away any momentary worries and it keeps you very present and relaxed.

I have work to do but I know there's snorkeling close at hand...that is my dilemma, my excruciating concern.

I'm making mental notes for paintings, songs, writings. Such an inspiration, I know how 'The Old Man and the Sea' got written...from remembering a place like this.

Peace, Namaste, Cheers, Ciao.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

a few good websites...lately

I found this while looking for a place to download 'Who Am I' by Ramana Maharshi... there are teachings by Him, and other stuff, like a definitive site on the teachings of Guatama Buddha.

Ramana is my Guru as of late.
It took a long time for Him to officially 'take me on' as my Guru. All of this is very mysterious, in fact it is THE mystery of life....I'm studying and doing a lot of personal work (education is therapy, as far as healing goes) in the area of Noetic Field Therapy, aura balancing...energy field science. Fascinating. It's like lifting up a rock and finding a real live doorway to an underground cave full of secrets. No way to describe....be in touch with me if you like, I'm here, always.

Ramana question/answer page: RAMANA

With Love,

Govinda Das

Ram Ram

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Remember The World Delicious

There are some amazing videos on TED.com if you haven't been there in awhile.

Also I've switched to a new browser called Opera

which frankly I'm liking much better than Safari or Firefox.  Check it out for yourself,

It has cool features.  

Cool Websites:  I would suggest rapidshare.com and photobucket.com

as todays' picks.  Rapishare allows you to upload up to 100mb files for free (so you can send 

whole movies, other very big stuff to friends)...photobucket you'll just have to check out -lots of

stuff going on there.

Signing off, but look for the Roses Foundation website to go back up soon, and who knows

other stuff too.

Getting paintings done and pushing other projects along.

God Bless and Godspeed.  Thank you for reading!

Monday, September 1, 2008

the color of roses

it's the first of September but it feels like the first day of Winter in Montana

I've been reading really fascinating stuff this morning -

Robert Waterman

and Robert Adams

'It's really a matter of becoming a better person.  
Without a Pure Heart you cannot even begin to progress.'  Robert Adams

I'm longing today for the purest of moments in my memory to duplicate themselves in the present.  Having written that, here they come.  Will Pope

Robert is a good name, the name of my grandfather.

Check out the Roberts here and you'll get some deep water.

good day

Saturday, August 16, 2008

a little vacation...

it's time for a little vacation.  don't you think?  
let's not think about anything for awhile.  one of the most pleasurable things in the world is to abandon thought!  I learned this from an enlightened master.  actually about ten of them. here is one way:  begin to notice all of the light wherever you are.  think about the source of the light.  continue to consider the light, the quality of the light, and the source if it is the sun.

another fun thing to do is to consider the oxygen in the room, or outside.  can you form a relationship with air?  pay close attention to the air as it comes in and goes out.  

now, let's do both.  pay attention to the light, and it's source, and listen to the air as it comes into your body and as it leaves.

do you consider air and light to be living, or non-living?

think about the water in your body.  would you consider it to be living, or non-living?  can you imagine an inner relationship with the water in your body?

we take air, water, and light from the outside environment immediately into our bodies.  is there a difference between the outer air, water, and light and the inner air water and light?

think this is jibberish? 
 it's not!  this page contains some of the most important information in the world.

if you can take this and continue to practice, and consider it, change in your perspective is inevitable.  may you find the peace to let go, entirely.

Friday, August 15, 2008

up against the wall...sometimes this is what it takes

for various reasons I’ll confess to being more challenged today or ‘now’ than in many weeks and months, even with shows to paint for, etc. I’m at the faithpoint. I like this font suddenly.

I’m at the

What this means is that THINGS NEED TO CHANGE SOON OR ELSE..

Now you and I know that change is coming anyway. Sometimes it happens that our apparent ‘managed change’ isn’t working.

Sometimes I like to call it a space shuttle. Or liken it to a space shuttle.

Right now it feels like my mis-managed space shuttle might not make re-entry in the way that we all expected.

The other part of it is that through prayer and some last minute moves we’ll be alright. Maybe even way way way better than alright.

But I’m at the

What Now I’m making a second portrait of Barack Obama. I’m going to get busy.