Tuesday, September 29, 2009

a few good websites...lately

I found this while looking for a place to download 'Who Am I' by Ramana Maharshi... there are teachings by Him, and other stuff, like a definitive site on the teachings of Guatama Buddha.

Ramana is my Guru as of late.
It took a long time for Him to officially 'take me on' as my Guru. All of this is very mysterious, in fact it is THE mystery of life....I'm studying and doing a lot of personal work (education is therapy, as far as healing goes) in the area of Noetic Field Therapy, aura balancing...energy field science. Fascinating. It's like lifting up a rock and finding a real live doorway to an underground cave full of secrets. No way to describe....be in touch with me if you like, I'm here, always.

Ramana question/answer page: RAMANA

With Love,

Govinda Das

Ram Ram

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