Saturday, August 16, 2008

a little vacation...

it's time for a little vacation.  don't you think?  
let's not think about anything for awhile.  one of the most pleasurable things in the world is to abandon thought!  I learned this from an enlightened master.  actually about ten of them. here is one way:  begin to notice all of the light wherever you are.  think about the source of the light.  continue to consider the light, the quality of the light, and the source if it is the sun.

another fun thing to do is to consider the oxygen in the room, or outside.  can you form a relationship with air?  pay close attention to the air as it comes in and goes out.  

now, let's do both.  pay attention to the light, and it's source, and listen to the air as it comes into your body and as it leaves.

do you consider air and light to be living, or non-living?

think about the water in your body.  would you consider it to be living, or non-living?  can you imagine an inner relationship with the water in your body?

we take air, water, and light from the outside environment immediately into our bodies.  is there a difference between the outer air, water, and light and the inner air water and light?

think this is jibberish? 
 it's not!  this page contains some of the most important information in the world.

if you can take this and continue to practice, and consider it, change in your perspective is inevitable.  may you find the peace to let go, entirely.

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