Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Aloha, Mahalo, from Maui

I notice all of these Hawaiian words (Aloha, Mahalo) sound like our 'Hello'...maybe that is the translation. The weather is so perfect, gentle winds through these tall pines and coconut and banana trees...and the sun phases in and out long enough to give you a break from the directness of it at the shore...everyone is 'tranquilo' as they say in Costa Rica, and there are no big deals.

You shop, you hike, you beach, you coffee, you beer..whatever..but my point is that we're all drifting through the day in sync with the gusts of wind, and they blow away any momentary worries and it keeps you very present and relaxed.

I have work to do but I know there's snorkeling close at hand...that is my dilemma, my excruciating concern.

I'm making mental notes for paintings, songs, writings. Such an inspiration, I know how 'The Old Man and the Sea' got written...from remembering a place like this.

Peace, Namaste, Cheers, Ciao.


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