Monday, August 11, 2008

a weekend is a tiger by the tail

here are a few recent paintings, which you can also see at the meyer gallery website  (

wanted to share just a few lines...these days are a little too much to explain.  essentially I'm writing a screenplay, that's all for now, but below is just an excerpt from an email I sent today...quick, to the point, and pretty damn interesting...

(such wierd stories over the weekend - remember Daniel?  Your dad does...he was working in an apartment in his complex and discovered that a couple were hiding a baby.  The dad had dipped the baby up to its chest in boiling water.  the poor baby was living on its knees and elbows, burned bad.

Daniel got the cops and ambulance, they care flighted the baby to Dallas where it is going to be alright.  The dad hooked em, the mom got arrested.  then Daniel found the dad at the mall, and texted Detective Davis.  They got the guy, he won't get out.  

And then Adria's mom bought a new bike but got amnesia and didn't remember buying it or anything so she had to go to Bozeman Deaconness for a check.  She'll be alright.  It's this thing where people can't make new immediate memories.  It lasts approx. 1/2 day.

more later.


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