Thursday, August 7, 2008

awake today

Good Morning!

My daughter Isabel,  (4) is an enlightened teacher.  My son Oliver is a reincarnated Buddhist.  (I will the story someday soon.)

Isabel opens a book, and asks Adria what the lesson should be about.  Adria says, 'How about meditation?'  Isabel says, 'okay.  This lesson will be about The Ground of The Heart.'  And she goes into a lesson about the heart, the mind, the body.  She's four and she knows so much.  Where she gets it?  I ask her.  She says, 'I just know it.'   Both my children know more than I do, constantly correcting me.  Four and Six.  I'm 42....and so blessed to have such good teachers.

Hope you're well. (You Are.)    Here's a good message from the Daily Guru:

"Mindfulness means moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness. It is cultivated by refining our capacity to pay attention, intentionally, in the present moment, and then sustaining that attention over time as best we can. In the process, we become more in touch with our life as it is unfolding."

Here are some very cool links for awakening:

I met her (Amma) in Santa Fe. I was walking down the street, and I noticed a big crowd gathered around a doorway. Everyone was waiting to receive a hug from her (darshan). I squeezed in, and noticed a spot close to her, where no one was sitting. I crawled in and sat, and then she gave me darshan. It was an amazing episode...I then got up and left. The whole thing took less than ten minutes, whereas people had been lining up for quite a long time. It seemed that everything just opened up for me to come in and then exit. She is 'God's love in human form.'

These videos are awesome. Ram Dass w/everyone from Dipak Chopra to Timothy Leary.

Adria and I met Ram Dass at the Hanuman temple in Taos. It was beautiful to receive his blessing. He is 99 years old and lives on Maui.

Ram Dass

Adria and I were at the Krsna temple in Dallas, and heard this music in the big room. We thought it was a tape player. There were just a few people in there praying. Turned out it was Dasi. She's world famous...her heart broke open when she lost her mother. Literally broken, and she has been devoted to walking the world and singing to God ever since...when you meet her, she'll tell you about her mother...

click below for dasi karnamrita:

click on the square below for Bhagavan Das:

Namaste, have a chill day, the sun's shining away...


sam small said...

I think Ram Dass is 77 years old, not 90.

will pope said...

sam small says Ram Dass is 77 years old, not 99.

he's probly right, although if you go to Ram Dass' myspace page, it says Ram Dass is 99.