Sunday, July 20, 2008

gotta see this on creativity

This piece of tape is so good.  It really stops you in your tracks and challenges you to rethink our educational system, in fact our way of life, down to it's foundation.  We need a soft revolution in this country, everywhere, that would bring us up to where we all intuitively know we should be in terms of living in this world - do you like the term 'living in this world' better, or 'living on this planet'? 

Hope to hear from you and also that your life is super fantastic, which it can be.  Mine is right now.  



1 comment:

Clay said...

I like living in this world. Living on this planet is alright too. However, I am concerned about the lack of concern that this administration has shown regarding living on this planet. You'd think by now that we (humans) would recognize the collective conscience and come together to help complete the journey together. Instead we are destroying each other and the planet in the name of industrial globalization.

#9 dream