Saturday, July 19, 2008

perform a small miracle, please

A calm whirlwind. I'm going to create at least 10 paintings in the next three days, which normally would take twelve days..I need them for my show. My recent awakening spiritually has left me feeling no sense of urgency at all, no worry, and has had an affect on the work in that I haven't been producing nearly so much. I'll get plenty done and everything will turn out fine.

very cool movie on rev sun yung moon - and our senators and presidents...

click below....

sum fun sung yung!!  moon soon wacky loon!!

I have a huge agenda till Christmas....tons of writing, music, video production and painting...also sellingn and moving elsewhere. It will all happen, as if by magic.

To anyone reading this who has practiced meditation, or sitting, for the purpose of self realization, or liberation: please keep doing it. There is freedom at the end of your search. The end can be today. Sit, still the mind, just Be. It gets deeper and deeper and finally when the ego disappears, all that's left is the Great Mind, the Great Spirit. We all know this stuff, and it's so easy to do it, but years go by and we don't.

Do something fantastic today, for yourself, or for someone else - I can feel it already, it's going to be a fantastic day!

(also Govinda Das) (new paintings)

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